
Please send me an E-Mail, if you would like to book an appointment, a first consultation, or if you have any questions. Your mail will usually be answered within 24 hours on weekdays, unless otherwise specified.  Please note your matter of contact.

A first consultation (15 min) is for free.

1. July - 31. July is vacation time and I will not answer your e-mail at this time.

Välkommen att besöka den svenska versionen av hemsidan.

By contacting Soulguide and by booking an appointment, or any other services, you are accepting the privacy- and terms policy.



Gun-Maj Carina Wennström

22100 Mariehamn, Åland, Finland

The address will be announced at the time of booking an appointment.

  +358 0457 3451065

Telephone call by agreement on weekdays. Please contact me by sending an E-Mail, thank you. 

